We offer a full range of aerial support services to the motion picture, film and video production industries. As highly experienced Aerial Coordinators, Stunt & Film Pilots we can get you “The Money Shot” and/or accomplish practically any aerial filming task and/or stunt.

Drones (UAS)

Camera Copters® owns & operates it’s own fleet of helicopters which are available for aerial filming, picture & stunts. We can also provide airplanes , seaplanes, balloons and other flying machines for film, video & stunts.

Meet Paul H. Barth, professional aviator, film & stunt pilot for over 30 years. He is qualified in a variety of aircrafts including helicopters, airplanes, seaplanes and drones. Paul has logged more than 17,000 hours of accident-free commercial pilot-in-command time.
What We Do
Full range of aerieal support services
Who We Are
SERIOUS Aerial Support

CAMERA COPTERS® has long served many clients in the Motion Picture Film, TV, and Commercial industries, and has built a reputation for always being able to put the camera in the right spot for the “money shots”. Whether it be a Helicopter, Drone or other flying machines, Camera Copters® can provide you with the right platform and most experienced pilot & crew to get your project done right, on budget, the “first time” !
What People Are Saying
Unsolicited comments from a few of our clients:

"It is a pleasure to work with someone as skilled and professional"
Dana Bowden, Freelance Photographer

"My recommendation is Paul Barth."
Andy Newman, Stuart Newman Associates, Miami

"It was a great relief not to worry about the helicopter equipment/footage."
Beware and don’t be fooled by companies with similar-sounding names and claims. Make sure you’ve got the original “Camera Copters®” on your team!